Flutter Common Commands

Sneha Saj
1 min readJun 17, 2020

How to get started?

Flutter is easy! But I still struggled a bit. So I will make it easier for you guys!

Before you start diving into a flutter. I have an amazing tutorial which I wish I had found it earlier.


It’s an amazing course and it’s free too. It starts with explaining the so many brackets and children inside children's dilemma I had with flutter.

It has all the resources that you need to get started.

The most common commands in flutter

The list is small but it has all you need to get started.

To check your environment and display a report of the status of your Flutter installation. (‘-v’ for more details)

flutter doctor -v

To create a new Flutter app

flutter create my_app_name

To run your app

flutter run

To install packages after you added them to pubspec.yaml file

flutter pub get

To clear cache

flutter clean

Build apk (to install the app in your device)

flutter build apk --release



Sneha Saj

Trying to remember who I was before the world told me who to be.